reverse the curse, painting, installation, sculpture
martin Hyde / NEUROLOGY / 1872666583
club death by murder, cdbm, porcelaine
painting, drawings, big
props, drawings, blahblaahhblaaahhh
martin Hyde / WOLF PATH / 1861975104
martin Hyde / REVERSE THE CURSE / 1648396195
martin Hyde / BOOM V.s BANG / 2035534678
drawings, project, video
martin Hyde / Money Go Round / 381592141
penetration, penetration plastique, installation
martin Hyde / FREEDUHM FRIES / 316370069
martin Hyde / YOU CAN NEVER GO HOME / 624787687
martin Hyde / marie cellulose / 1196372628
martin Hyde / plates / 1949274278
martin Hyde / WOODEN / 1825504655
martin Hyde / YOU CAN NEVER GO HOME / 2091403221
props, models, blahblaahhblaaahhh
martin Hyde / S.S 188775 / 1632220614
ghosts, reverse the curse
stratbook, drawings, glory holes, art totale, installation
martin Hyde / Interrogation / 179459584
martin Hyde / SCARLET / 781259261
martin Hyde / CHEAP PERFUME & CANDY HOLES / 2038795313
toons, drawings
porcelaine, club death by murder
martin Hyde / SPRING / 748656946
club death by murder, death table, project, porcelaine, wood, plastic
big, painting, drawings
martin Hyde / HERETIC / 135632072
martin Hyde / CLUB DEATH BY MURDER / 2008916077
porcelaine, club death by murder
the heart of the world, CDBM, club death by murder, poetry
martin Hyde / OPERATION ORANGE / 1872475749
martin Hyde / BLAHBLAAHHBLAAAHHH / 1465309701
body jumping, drawings
martin Hyde / CARROT HOLES / 1659531273
martin Hyde / RABBIT / 1156630080
martin Hyde / THE 7 FILTERS OF BLOOD RIVER / 2113980893
hemorohyde, drawings
martin Hyde / THE YELLOW LADY / 1213925799
silent gif, models, collaboration
porcelaine, club death by murder
paraphenilia, club death by murder, advertising, holster
Martin Hyde,DjonamSaltani, TrstnDbrtl
martin Hyde / PENETRATION PLASTIQUE / 1177793852
martin Hyde / RAW / 1600710936